Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I find it interesting how natural consequences work in my life. I guess i was taught that at a young age on the Goodman farm, well homestead if you will. You plant a seed and water it, and something grows, also you step in something mushy and don't wipe it off and go into the house, Momma Goodman get's pissed, or you use the word piss then Momma Goodman says' "don't say that or I will wash your mouth out with soap".

My condo has been a source of pain in my life. The renters who had it awhile ago caused all sorts of drama... first J_ _ _ had her boyfriend A _ _ _ move in with her. Now to each their own, the problem was that there were two other girls living in the condo. Who the neighbor just informed me were alcoholics, who would giggle and awaken the neighbors with sayings like, "i am going to piss upon this door if you don't open it" and I suppose J + A would come and open it?. I just knew the recently revealed alcoholics as "the sister slobs who left a turkey carcas along with 5 unsealed trash cans crawling with bugs, and a layer of rotten food upon the counter tops and floor 2 weeks after Thanksgiving". The problem was I found all these girls at the institute. So I felt there was an expectation of normalcy. I guess I thought the natural consequence of institute roomates was no lame drama. WRONG!!!

Oh yeah I was called over as one of the sister slobs was in a heated battle with A _ _ _ over the temp. One had installed a plastic box ( it was A _ _ _) and Sister Slob Jr. had a knife to break open the tempeture gage. I was called to act as mediator, aka Baby Sitter. This was all happening in the 30 day notice period I gave to the "love birds".

Now I guess the action that I took which was followed by these natural consequences was not screening the girls better. Heck i was desperate, and being that i have lived with over 50 girls (mission comps, roomates, my sister and Mom) I didn't think anyone could bring the lameness that these girls did. Blar. I guess i should have realized it when J _ _ _ wanted to move in and said she had a pet rat. Yeah I only see the best in people, i keep missing those blazing red flags...

Point is renting/land lording is a bitch... can't I just find the 50 acres and build the dream solar/love powered farm house. Without the lameness of the modern day roomate drama. Probably but I am sure there are natural consequences to that, that will reveal their tricky selves. I can take it.
