1. I have been keeping my myspace private for quite sometime now. Actually it has been private for 2 and a half years. Yet due to some recent changes in my life, I and my myspace are free.... it feels so good to let loose and let the world endulge in the secrets of my myspace. Enjoy out there, my profile song is the best of all time, if you love technoish, European goodness.
2. Ever since i dropped my 5 week old phone in a glass of water in my car, I have been using AK's old ghetto 2002 cell phone (nothing but love Amy and thank you). Yesterday at church, after RS I got my phone out( yes i give mid church texters the stink eye...but if I had a dude to text i might mid-meeting it) to check my messages, my visit teacher (the one who asked if they were going to allow me to stay in the singles ward even though i am 30) said, "oh your phone is sooo cute, is it new... what??? Redemption for her, I was feeling all self conscious about the phone.
3. Pearce family white elephant party... Loved it, ate too much, bonded with all my first cousins once removed, ate gummy pizza, gummy hot-dogs and gummy hamburgers. Held babies, smelt stinky diapers, left the room when changing of the diapers insued, stayed away from the salad with the wet cheese (you know the white, wet cheese that shows it's ugly self and makes us glad we don't live in France). I love the White Elephant... I won Rook Cards (grandma Goodman would be proud, she taught me how to play when I was eight and am a card shark)
4. Thought about what to name this next year. You see once we named the summer, "summer of love 2000", and there was no love. So if I name this year, "Cold-fish 2008" maybe all my hot and heavy dreams will come true, i gotta do reverse psychology with the Universe.
5. Tonight, my Uncle is in the Elliot Groves Ward Bishopric (we whisper that name, you see Elliot groves is the 34-45 Singles Ward) said loudly at the family party, "I bet this is the year, Jodi gets' married"... I said, "I wouldn't bet on it, Grandma Van Epps said, "me neither... Than everyone gave their opinions. That's Funny.
6. Brought my juicer over from my parents, Hello carrot/tangerine juice and hello slightly orange skin....
7. Went to the Ward Party on Saturday Night. Actually rounded up a date too. Yep. We had the best time ever. The ward danced.... miracles do happen, and I was so proud of so many people for coming out. I feel very strongly that we need to support all the activities we can. The more people who participate, the more fun is had.
8. There is serious rain here in AZ... I love it. My cousin owns a ski rental shop and that means more snow and more business. I have dreams of Kayak greatness and more rain and snow means more river flows. Also it is just fun. I do miss the sunshine.
9. Thank you to all the friends out there, tonight especially to Tyler and Amelia. They are in town from Indiana. I am so proud of them and there little family. I love it when my favorite people end up with my next favorite people. You all have serious good taste in significant others.
10. Sumo (my only brother in law) is in the pic above. I am grateful that he loves my little sister so much. Also, loose some weight and win the weight loss challenge.. I saw him eating cauliflower chowder tonight? Is that Atkins?
Ahh! I am always so sad that we miss the white elephant party every stinkin year! It sucks that we live so far away. Who knows one day maybe that will change!?!?!
I love your randomness.
i am so glad to view your myspace. i always wanted a piece of that action.
Love this post...made me smile!
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