Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Driving is so much better than not Driving -Van Goodman

Yesterday was a milestone. My little brother got his drivers license. Yesterday he was in the Altima, driving around the neighborhood with a silly grin on his face. He still can't drive a car to school, so i had to pick him up. It was a joyful ride, we saw a man with a fuex-hawk in running gear by the canal, who was all soft looking but trying to look bad ass, and I said, "Yuckers"..... he laughed, which is so great, cause i forget that I am hilarious. Then he broke the silence a minute later by saying, "Driving is so much better than not driving". I continued the theme by saying, "Making out, is sooo much better than not making out". We went a little crazy with this theme. "Having money, is so much better than being broke"."Being smart is so much better than being stupid" , "Having a straight finger is so much better than a broken one" and my favorite, "Eating good food is so much better than being Rawsome".

1 comment:

{Erica} said...

you crack me up! that picutre made me say "ouch" out loud and bret asked if i was ok... :D
