Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You were right about the ending, it didn't make a difference.

I guess I used to be a picky orderer. Hmmm, we would go out, i like Meg Ryan (in when Harry met Sally) would want things on the side, with the dressing changed, etc. Now being at Chili's I realize I was bad, but man alive I am not the worst. Seriously.

 Now back in the day, when we were at the peak of our pickiness, and also at the peak of our socializing, let's be honest were being pulled in a million directions. I think it was one day at Rosa's after I had ordered a salad with the dressing on the side, extra salsa and a change of side and she had ordered a diet coke with light ice, I turned to her and said, 'you just want it how you want it' and she responded, 'and you don't want to do what you don't want to do'. Hmmm, I think some boy was asking AK out and she was not feeling it. But you see sometimes you can't get rid of someone who is persistently persuing you (thank you Ken C.). 

Anyways somehow that became our Mantra... or life philosophy or maybe just our way of getting, or at least asking for what we wanted. You want it how you want it, and you don't want to do what you don't want to do (i promise we use this statement at most in PG rated conversations. ) It applies to everything, and has been a comfort when justifying why I don't want to go out with the guy who gives my roomate the Heebie Jeebies ( her words for real),why I will walk out of a movie if it is lame, why I still order an extra side of ranch, honey mustard, blue cheese and I need Tabasco ( i don't mix em together, i just love my sauces) and why I guess, I am still single (well that and also the men I have loved live by the exact same philosophy...shoot). 


Unknown said...

Ok, I have to admit that I've been stalking your blog through my sister's (Gwen)links & I LOVE reading your posts!! You crack me up :)

AK said...

maybe that explains why i not married too!

{Erica} said...

the end of this post cracked me up! great mantra seriously!
