Sunday, March 23, 2008

Socially Awkward.

Tonight I looked good. I guess when i say that i should post a pic of my outfit that was really quite amazing. I have began to bring back a trend called, "Baby Doll dressess with jeans underneath and you wear a shirt too, so that it is modest". Anyways, the Event was a kickball 5 stake activity. Are you feeling the power of that. Cause dang i sure wasn't. Yet there was someone I wanted to see. We had met at a party the week earlier. I adore him already. He is divorced. I am a sucker for divorced guys. I love em.

This one is classy. He teaches me things while we converse (which is really for a substantial amount of time). He sticks around, even when weird men are tired of waiting for him to leave so they simply approach anyways. He winks sometimes, indicating that we have inside jokes. He smiles warmly. Makes funny banter, stares into my eyes (maybe it's me staring, i am a bit intense), touches my arm and doesn't shy away when I touch his back, etc. and yet the man cannot ask for my number. Why? I like to think it is due to a factor beyond my control, simply out of my hands. The answer my mom gave to me when the boys didn't ask me to dance at the 14 and up stake dance, "jo, he's just intimidated by you".

Oh Well, I guess my intimidating nature, which includes my beauty, intellect, wisdom from age, and charisma are all impeding any loves from developing. I wonder if I will use that "the boys are just intimidated by you" line when one of my daughters is not getting her much deserved loves. You know that is the best, 'Mama help your daughter's self esteem' line of all time. We all gonna rock it....even though it's crap, mama can't say, "girl your eyes are just too close together", or "girl you dumb as a box of rocks", Mama gotta say "intimidation by your beauty and splendor and charm". Shoot.

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