Thursday, March 13, 2008

Real Danger

I just read this book, it took me just under a day, and it was worth it. It is by a Washington insider Stephen M. Studdert who worked closely with 3 of our Presidents. I recommend it to everybody, especially if you too, are concerned about the dire straights our country is in. It talks about 10 Dangers we face in as members of the US and planet Earth and what we can do to protect ourselves. This is real information that we need to know, or at least updated and reminded about. If you read it, tell me so we can talk about it. I know you can buy it off Amazon.

1 comment:

the Pearce Place said...

I haven't read it, I am always looking for a new book to read, although right now I have a huge stack of them, So it will take me awhlie to get to this one. IJust read your post below about the past men, congrats on getting over them. And now this is the first I'm hearing about the one with the whiny voice-- is there potential here? at least another get together? Or is the voice just too much.
Guess what, we're coming out again in May! See you then!
