Thanksgiving. A day when i truly am grateful for Pilgrims and Indians, and the gospel, and great food, and family. What a good day. It came it went so quickly. And now I look foreward. I took pictures of the Turkey carcass as I begin my new adventure of Rawsomeness. Thats right folks, no matter how many sweet young men i meet on lds linkup want to take me to Native New Yorker for cheap wings on Tuesdays, I gotta look at my pictures of Turkey carcass, and say, "can we go to your house and watch a movie instead?" I mean, I take my rawsomeness seriously (granted this is probably the 38th serious attempt) but I am super serious this time. Plus I got my brother Luke, in on the deal. So, let the biggest looser, turkey bones and the fact that like a testimony... the belief needs to be strengthened by actions. I have believed in Raw food only for quite some time, I just can't pull off the practicing the diet, day by day bit. I just wanted a little accountability (hence the blogging manifesto).
PS... be grateful for your significant other, Holidays are especially rough for the single gal, so i gotta make up weird diets to make life interesting (but we all do what we gotta do to make our "dream body" dreams come true when those Mormon dreams seem to be extra slow).
PPS If you think my diet is bunk... than remember what the wise Ben Harper says, "What is of the earth is of the greatest worth". I think he was talking about wheat grass, and spinach or something. This is my new motto, "What is of the earth is of the greatest worth, you can steal it from me, cause really I stole it from Ben."
love you jojo. good luck with the rawesome.
I was wish I could be dedicated enough to do something like this. But I seem to like sugar WAY to much! Good luck to you and Luke though!
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