Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Graveyard...cause everyone got a dream that died.

Oh Thursday Night... the usual staples are in full effect. A drive home from work, a stop at Oasis East (my dad's new insurance company) and a little mental prep. for the institute. And when I arrive (not to class mind you, but to the social part after) the prep. has been well worth it.

I park the Element in it's usual location. I let the techno song play out it's finale. I put on some lip moisturizer (one's thirty year old lips, need to look sufficiently moisturized, at this the most important social event of the week). I take a second look at my bright yellow rose earings, (I will later decide to put them in my pocket but at this moment they are a go).

I walk slowly and confidently towards the chapel, I have nothing to fear, this is my commune, these are my people. The thick aroma of canned corn overwhelms my nostrils, canned corn and something else.....wait, YES! Funeral potato's . Class is not out yet so the line is short. I quickly load my plate with 3 different varieties of Funeral Potato's, deliberately passing by the ham and corn.

Finding my way to the stage, it takes two tries to hoist my booty up. Finally I make it. Now I am comfortable, and am in prime position for all that "needs to happen". I am in full view of 3 of the 4 entrances. I can definitely see what is going on at the other side of the room. Others can see me. However, I am in a power position, where snap judgements can be made. These skills make me more efficient, and at the tute, time management is a plus. Also, if I was into anyone, I could definitely stalk them, (but i'm not).

Why am I so good at this you might ask. Is my knowledge and prowless at the tute, only a facade? Nay my friends, the secret is two fold. Part 1 is Habit. Steven Covey talks about developing it and sharpening the saw. Well my post-institute socializing saw is way sharp. Part 2... Survival of the Fittest. It is a law in nature. If I wasn't soooo good at what I do at institute, I could not have lasted sooo long.

Wait...maybe i am too effective, too comfortable, and too set in my ways. Maybe next time I will mix it up, I am going to hang out by the water and punch bowls. My life just keeps getting more exciting...I'll let you know how the punch bowl strategy fares.


Mary Postert said...

Glad you came by afterward to watch The Office (and that other show which must not be named) with us.

Jaime S. said...

i want to go to the institute one last time. these stories are still a big part of me.

Jill said...

That was a good read! Brougt me back...
