My dog is named Heru. It means "the great white ninja". It is from a Chris Farley movie.
Today I heard about a family in the MEsa School district. The kid's names are King Tut(boy), Playboybunny (girl) and Pimp (boy)
My best friend and cousin, just named her daughter Annie. I think that is the best name, and if I ever get out of dodge I might just give myself that as my new name. Well it would be sort of be a part of the name i have now, "Jodiane".
I refuse to give my (future) daughters slutty cheer leader names. To all those, Tiffany, Chastitiy, Charity, Monica, Hillary, Brittney, or Monique's...sorry I just can't do it. My girls are getting all motions, (sparkle, twinkle, lazer, and jazzy... just kidding)
My cabbage patch doll was named Roni. I hated that name. I sort of think it is the worst name for a cabbage patch ever. My mom made me a fake, softer, cabbage patch. I named her Cuddles. NO JOKE.
My first dog was named Bell. My dad named her. Yet, when she had puppies, I chose the all black one, and named him Torpedo. Out of all the pet's I have ever had. I wonder and miss Torpedo the most.
My car has two distinct names. Ellie, or Elliot... my car is an Element. In college my car was named Grey Hawk. It was a stick shift Cadilac. I never made out in that car... I always really wanted to.
You are FUNNY! Whenever I feel annoyed, frustrated, depressed... I look at your blog, THANK YOU girlfriend.
I loved Grey Hawk. I totally forgot that that was what it was named. My cabbage patch's name was Bobette Lavenia. My sisters' cabbage patches were twins and they were named Fanny Jacobina and Dixie Josephina. I always liked their dolls' names better than mine.
this post made me smile. We have a landcruiser and we call it "The Chub" hehehe. I never had named a car before that ...i know i'm boring.
ps sorry about the honest harshness but i felt like you should know so you could make a decision based on truth. Like I said you're better...WAY BETTER :D. I think everyone on my blog who reads my comments thinks I was harsh to you in not a good've had a few people email me about it...
this is my favorite post of all time
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