Sunday, January 20, 2008

27 dresses, a free rootbeer, and something to blog about...

Am I allowed to go the the movies with my girlfriends, and laugh at all the funny stuff even the mildly inappropriate parts, even though my old bishop and his wife were sitting behind us, who incedently are the aunt and uncle of one of the afore mentioned girlfriends. Because I did laugh, loudly and lots.

Great movie, just what a bunch of chics need to see. Something about bridesmaid dresses, and your sister getting the man you want, and weddings that just lure us in like the flies on honey. Good job Katherine and the hot co-star...loved it.

1 comment:

the Pearce Place said...

jodi, what's this movie called?
Your blog, 3 blogs down was truly hilarious, about that girl out there that's persuading your future husband to go find you etc... you're too funny, really you are, no guy can match your funny-ness, they are all so intimidated, that's the real issue here, I know it...!
How's the law school applications coming??
