Sunday, May 3, 2009


I don't know if you all know about post secret. But i have been following the blog for about 3 years now i guess, (time really is so hard to keep track of). Anyways, people anonymously send their secrets in to Frank Warren, and he sifts through them. And posts about different postcards every Saturday night. They are called Sunday secrets, and yes i do check every Sat. or Sunday morning. Anyways, he goes around to college campus' and tells the story about how and why he started post secret, he shares secrets that never made it on the blog or in one of the 4 books (yes i own 3 of them) that he has published, all filled with peoples secrets on a postcard. And honestly they are very beautiful, funny, outrageous, sad, maddening...everything. One part, the last part of the 2 hour meeting, is where two mikes are opened up for individuals to share a secret in front of the whole crowd. Basically you stand up, walk to a mike and share something you have never shared with anyone. Well it was a little slow starting, but slowly U of I students got up and shared different things about coming out of the closet, or fearing they would never find someone who loved them as much as their mom did, or that they sent a secret to Frank that was a lie earlier, etc. Well, like they say, when in Rome....and so I stood up, waited in line to share my secret...and it made me cry. Sort of like a non-mormon testimony meeting, sort of. It was short, sweet and close to my heart (and no, i won't put the secret on the blog) but it was a little liberating (mom don't worry i didn't say anything you would be embarrassed of). But it was sort of cool to just be apart of something I had been following for awhile. I have never sent a secret into Frank, so it might be posted. I just wanted to introduce any of you who haven't ever seen it, to go check it out (there is a link on my blog rollers or just google post secret, i promise i will learn how to do links this summer). Also these are a few of the secrets that got posted tonight. I sort of relate to all of them, which happens almost every batch of new secrets. Hope you have a great Sunday.


Melissa said...

Ooooooooo nice picture up top girl.
Well I'm glad you had a good time at this thing.
It sounds really interesting.
You can come over for a visit tonight if you want.

sumo said...

You forgot you already told me that secret at Fro Yo...

Mary Postert said...

So jealous you got to go to one of those. He came to Michigan while I was there and I didn't make it and I'm kicking myself for not going.

You should warn you blog readers that postsecret can be a little risque some times.
