Sunday, May 4, 2008

Honey in the Element...

No that doesn't mean that Jodi and some sweet man-zi of hers went on a campout together in the Element. It means that as I was transporting all the crap (aka my posessions) from the Condo to my parents (where i am storing everything) a bunch (a quart or so) of honey spilled over, melted, spread out, sunk in and mixed with a bottle of pre-natal vitamins in the seat well of the Element. Seriously it took me 2 and a half hours to clean up the sweet mess. I did the best i could. The honey sunk into the spare tire compartment, basically saturating that area with a sticky, melty goop. I just wanted everyone to know my life isn't perfect... I got issues with honey, pre-natals, Elements and spare tire compartments, just like everyone else.


Marci Hernandez said...

So sorry to hear about the honey mess. Good luck being choosen to drive in Alaska!

Team Caldwell said...

This is cousin. Have you lost your F-in mind! Why Alaska? If you wanted a wilderness experience you could have gone to Beatty NV. Maybe your stuffed animal is still on the road, trying to find you. I always wanted to go to Alaska so in a way I envy you, but not really. Good luck and God speed.
