Monday, March 23, 2009

Talking in church...I am gonna Rant!

Ok, so I never get asked to speak in church, never. It has probably been at least 6 years, maybe more. Anyways, i really like to do it too. I am such a critique of others talks that i consider myself an expert in an awesome singles ward talk (Hell i have been doing this thing for over 12 years). So a few weeks ago, when they asked me to speak i was really Jazzed about it. It was going to be the weekend after Spring Break, so i knew numbers would be down, but i still thought "what a great opportunity" and a little selfishly, pridefully i was phsyced that it would be about "Personal Conversion" something I have been thinking alot about, and working on.

So when I got the program as i was walking up to the stage, I noticed there were 4 speakers and a special musical number. I thought well, i will have 10 minutes, and that will be perfect. Now I do wish the guy who asked me to speak (one of the marrieds they have come into help) would have told me there would be 4 speakers, but no big deal.

So the first girl, is my roomates best friend. And she didn't know there were 4 speakers either. So she had prepared a full talk. Only problem is she does a 5 min. story about how "she forgot she had to talk until 1 hour before church, and this will be the worst talk ever." But then she continues to give a 25 min. talk, with factors, scriptural references, funny anticdotes, etc. Those who know me, know that i don't hide my emotions very well. So when i am a bit annoyed, I will look at the clock every 2 min. just to make my point. This girl was eating into my moment of glory and i was not too happy about it.

So while she is speaking the 2nd counselor tells me and the boy who is speaking before me to keep our talks short, (obviously running short on time). But the next boy doesn't keep it short, he is a "stutterer" the worst grown up stutterer i have ever met, and he likes to practice talking, he doesn't let the stuttering hold him back, he will conversate like no other. So he did a great job controlling the stuttering, but not a great job on the time 15 min. I realized my glory would be cut way short. So there i was, time for the meeting to be over....and 2 speakers left.

So I do a little joke/dig/a passive-agressive way to get my point across that I am annoyed. I say for the microphone as my opening, "In contrast from ______'s 'worst talk ever' (she referred to it as such, in the 5 min. intro), my talk is the 'best talk ever' but becasue the time is up you will only get a few chosen points." I felt like the hero for saving the meeting, (my talk was 5 min. ) reveling in my sacrifice and put myself above others (who don't 'get it', that we gotta share the time at the meeting) thought, "I am the enlightened one."

I got to thinking, "why am i so bugged by this". Was it that I wasted 5 hours of my life prepping for a talk? Was it that I hate self-depriciator's, public announcements that they are not prepared and will be giving something sub-par? Was it that I felt like I should have been privy to the info. that there would be 4 speakers or offended by the fact, they never have had 4 speakers before. Was it because I wanted my crush Lewis, to think i was a great speaker, and probably fall in love with me, and make Moscow not so lonely anymore? Hmmmm?

All i know, is even in church, some of my "not-so-christian" attributes come to the surface. I think thats ok, but am I the only one who gets annoyed at church? Often?


Diane said...

"OH eNlIgHtOnEd OnE"!! How I wish I could have been there to hear your amazingly wonderful 5 minute of "chosen points"....YOU ARE MY (and probalby the entire congregations and hopefully Lewis') HERO!!!!
I love you Jod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rita said...

We all know you get annoyed and sing louder then anyone else in church! But yes I think we all get annoyed sometimes even though we shouldn't but we all don't admit it! I actually get embarrassed for people a lot at their comments!

Melissa said...

I don't hear many 'full' talks these days, with kids and all. It has to be a pretty good talk to have me listening dispite my kids going crazy around me.
I do, however, listen to my own talks. They're pretty good actually.
Next time ask to be the first speaker. There's no shame in that.
Dru says speakers have 30 seconds to wow him then he's out.
There's only been a chosen few who have wowed him in 30 seconds.
I'm one of them.

Anie said...

I spoke in church this past sunday on personal conversion. It was the first time I wrote out my entire talk and I sounded like a mia maid who just learned how to read, telling experiences about high school only trying to use big words so my new family ward would think I was smart. Blah. Scott got up ther without notes and spoke by the Spirit. People forgot I even spoke and the whole day, people would say, "Brother Alexander did such a fantastic job." That's what I get for trying to impress all the grandmas in my ward!

Jaime S. said...

last talk i gave i kept it short and said "it's against my religion to contribute to a meeting going over an hour". I 100% think it's rude to talk a long time and let a meeting go over. We all know that no one is listening after 60 minutes of sitting still.
