Monday, March 30, 2009

Law school, at 5 am. 2 nights in a row.

Hello to all who i know and love out there. I miss you guys, shoot. I feel like a lone wolf up here. I suddenly got old, at least i feel old. I don't think i am moisterizing enough. Maybe. Maybe it is just years of paryting so hard (mormon style) that is catching up to me. I think it is probably worrying when my Mormon dreams were going to come true so much, that all that worrying has made me older. Or maybe it's teaching, or missions (i got a grey streak on my mission) or because I don't like to wash my face at night (truth) but I do only half the time. Maybe it's because my good genes had to run out sometime. Why am I babbling you ask....?

Because I have gotten only 3 hours of sleep in the last 45 hours. And I am afraid to go to sleep now, because the paper i have literally put over 150 hours in, is due at 9:30 am (it is 5:30 now) and I am afraid if I go home and lay down, i won't wake up in time... Here is the thing about the turn in time. If we turn it in, even 1 second after 9:30, then we loose one third of a letter grade (thus my C goes down to a C-). If we are one hour late, i think it goes down 1 letter grade. And then 1 letter grade for each day it is late.(I used to come up with these types of policy's for my Jr. High kids, not once was it effective, if the due date was past, the penalty was harsh, the kids wouldn't even try. Come to think of it, they were not trying anyways. But a strict turn your work in on time policy just gave them excuse to not try--It's funny how law students are like Jr. High kids in every way, except the work ethic-I will explain that soon enough). Now I laugh becuse in law school there are 3 maybe 4 grades we get (like all American students). So I really can't imagine someone being silly enough or careless to put their own needs of sleep before the need to turn that paper in on time.

So here I am...paper written. Four hours before the due time (no due dates anymore, just due times)I know I should be slaving away untill the last second. But it is like I had this peace rush over me...I think it is the chemicals releasing when you are super sleep deprived, so you feel drunk and useless (that is how I feel). So forgive me for the babeling. I promise pictures later tonight. I think they might be of the Moscow China Buffet...stay tuned.


Melissa said...

LOL that was a big babble.
Well I'm glad it's done and your feeling drunk/peace about it.
I hope you do well.
You can come over for dinner tonight if your awake?

Rita said...

Take a nap for crying out loud sometime today when your paper is turned in! I can not wait for china buffet pics! A tip about washing your should buy those makeup removing wipe things! They work and make the nightly routine a little easier!
