Saturday Night.... I did two things, I went to the Inter Stake Center(the average age was probably 22), where I felt old. Than, I went to Gary's house party (where the average age was 35) where I felt a little young. Isn't that funny, the environment one puts them self in, can effect how old they feel. No more....I am just loving 30 no matter what, where or who I am with. (As if I didn't secretly love it already)
Pic 1- Shane and I, he is by far the only reason I brought back back scratchers at church..... i was giving them up for classiness sake (but how could i resist the Tucson Boy)
Pic 2- I saw these guys rocking the short shorts at the interstake center. I must admit I felt a little weird when I took a picture of their aces.
Pic 3- These are my new friends, Brittney, Rob and Brady. We spent the weekend together and it is definitely great to be meeting fun people again.
Pic4- I love this guys costume. He was a crowd stopper, but i didn't understand why he kept putting "I lost my Dog" posters all over the party. Interesting...
dude in pic number one is a hottie :D (i can say that because I'm married to a hottie myself)
The guys sporting the "tightest shorts in the world" shorts make me laugh until I click on it and blow it up...then I!
I wanna see a pic of you in your costume!
Jodi! I'm soooooo excited that you have a blog!! I just barely learned about blogs about a month or two ago. And now I'm hooked! Now we can be blogging buddies! Won't that be fun?
hey your picture helped me find my puppy thanks so much!! could you please email me a copy of the pix??
You have got to be the most original and creative person I know. REading your blog is going to be the highlight of my week. I'm so glad you discovered us :)
Happy 30th to you too. i'm not quite there yet, but soon.
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