Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thats me in the spotlight, losing my Religion...

Nah, still Mormon. But I did lose my Arizona Drivers License. I take that back I didn't lose it, I gave it up. I passed the 40 question Idaho Drivers test...And that my friends is why I am a champion test taker. Whether it's the many drug tests that I passed when I was a Mesa School Bus Driver (funny I got drug tested more than anyone else) or the LSAT, or the Law Tests here at the U of I, or E-Harmony find my matches tests (jokes, jokes that is reserved for turning 34) or my Professional Conduct Test for Teaching...(trying to think of more tests right now, can't really do it) I am a FANTASTIC TEST TAKER, already contemplating the Bar EXAM, and I am gonna Rock It, i mean if I know what to do at a stop sign (come to a complete stop, and proceed when it is safe to do so) I am gonna kill the bar...

Just Saying


Jaime S. said...

Here is a test for you. What do you do when you come to rail road tracks?

Diane... said...

I must have saved up and given you that gene too as I was/am a horribly bad test taker/passer...YOU'RE WELCOME!!

Melissa said...

Your damn straight you're gonna kill it.
