Thursday, January 15, 2009


So they torture us, making us start the new semester without knowing how we did. And you know what the psychological mind games worked. I couldn't study, i just wanted to watch LOST and eat Cheeze Its. The pressure, the stress was getting to me and I didn't know what to do with it.

Today we got our grades. My first semester law school grades were actutally not the worst case, 2nd worst case or 3rd worse case senario. Now dont' get me wrong, they aren't the best things ever....but heaven helped me and I did quite a respecatable job. So leave me a comment and tell me that you are proud of me because HOLY CRAP, I am a bonefide law student now!!! WOO Doggies.


Melissa said...

What there was no need to stress out and have panic attacks so much?
Dru's too scared to look.

Jamie said...

Great job. My dad and brother are lawyers and I so envy you for doing it. It's hard crap so good good job. Keep it up! :)

Rita said...

Congrats! Why did you even question it! You are amazing! Now have an even better second semester!

Jill said...

I'm proud of you.


I cant even remember the words for things like "spoon" and "blowdryer" anymore.

Pleasy said...
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Pleasy said...

Congratulations! I am glad you did so well. It is nice to have such a smart friend. Now we just have to live through another semester.

P.S. I love the DJ picture.

Mary Postert said...

I love the new picture at the top of your blog. You're in your element.

And congrats on the grades.

Diane... said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! with "computer fixin'" or not---> YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! and congratulations!!! You are awesome!!

Jaime S. said...

I am so stinking proud!!! I have a good mind to go to Baker 3 and let all those bus drivers know

arianne said...

Way to go Jodi! Congratulations. I knew you could do it.
