Saturday, January 17, 2009


So i lost my phone, i thought it was in Pleasy's car (she drove to the casino and all last night), and i had it with me in the car on the way home. I thought i won't worry about it, and just get it from Pleasy later. Turns out I lost it as the rest stop, by the PORT-A-POTTY. How do i know this, because the people that found it, called my mom, who left me an email and a facebook message (my mom knows i love to check my facebook) and gave me the number of Bonnie and Andy the couple from Moscow who is on a road trip, who found my phone at 3:00 AM.

Lucky little phone, on a road trip, with a nice couple. I am just glad they found it...I am a lucky lady. First respectable grades, now my phone found...I guess my luck is just crap in the casino and love but when it comes to lost and found...I got it my luck locked in.


Rita said...

That's funny! I am glad someone found your phone, but make sure you clorox that baby down!

Keri said...

How the H are you!

Mary Postert said...

Wow, that's so nice. Usually people don't take the time to do that.
