Thursday, September 18, 2008

Like an Old Lady....

Recently I noticed how many times people i randomly meet at or around the university ask, "Are you a student?" Like they are surprised. I was flirting with some guys at the gym and I thought things were going pretty dang good. I acted like I did not know how to use the machines, and they would come over and help me (isn't that what you are supposed to do if you are playing the damsel in distress role, hell at this point i'll try anything). After a couple of times, small talk insued and then they asked, with that inflection in their voice, "so you go to U of I?" and then when i answered in the affirmative I got, "really?" this is going to be a long 3 years, and I don't think that any amount or quality of anti-aging creme can make it any less painful.


Melissa said...

I feel ya pain babycakes!!!
My V/T companion said, in conversation last night, "Oh I'm old, I graduated from Highschool in 2001"
I graduated in 1994!
Now who's the old one?
I lived so many years being the young one..............those days are truely gone.

Jaime S. said...

hang in there old woman. we will grow old together and love it.

{Erica} said...

So a thought came to mind while reading this...what if you totally forgot about the opposite sex and completely submerged yourself into your studies...I know that once I stop wanting something so badly that's usually when I get it (ie: kids). Just a little experiment maybe?

Jamie said...

Jodi, I truely believe the old whatever it's called, "you are only as old as you feel." Somedays I feel 15 and then other days.... We all have our moments don't we. And so goes this wonderful adventure we call life. You gotta love it. Here's to you! Love you, from your proud 32 year old cousin in Utah.

M said...

Jodi! You look good! Don't worry about your age, you are just tall and 30 years young!
