Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I love Rita...

here i am at one am in the law building, tired as a law student (who doesn't study in the day but runs around to change her address at the local bank, because she accidently mixed it up, so now a debit, credit and checks are heading to the wrong place. BLAR, who also has to orchestrate the viewing of her condo for someone who is 0ver 1000 miles away, and who needs someone to let her in, give her directions etc. etc) with other things on her plate should be. But on the good side, things are looking up for me... I am here, and I need to be here studying. 

But, i just wanted to give a shout out to my best friend and my only biological sister (didn't want to throw you under the bus Tamara). If you read my last post, I have to admit it is sort of creepy, but being that I wrote it at such a late hour, blog readers you cut me some slack. But Rita made one very short comment after that post. She said, "Please don't do a blog series about your loves". I couldn't stop laughing, I felt covered with sense and sensibility. My little sister always the logical voice cutting through my emotional ramblings. Her comment was short and simple, yet to the point. Which is the essence of Rita, she might not talk as much as me (or Sumo) but what she says is right on point. Her watchful eye has been helpful. Notice this time I did filter. The crazy idea to do a "jodi's past love blog series" was there, and yet I squashed it. So don't be a hater, be proud that your big sister is all grown up, and has learned to sensor, sometimes, maybe...well more than before. a roomate in the master of my AZ condo, done and done. The worst is using student loan monies for things you just don't want to use them for and paying part of the mortgage is not something I want to happen 3 weeks into the school year. 

PPS... I love law school, we had the 9th Circuit Court here yesterday, hearing oral arguments for 4 cases. It was awesome, and a first for U of I. Can I tell you, the judges were funny, and witty and knew the law backwards and forwards. I got a lot of work to do, but it is amazing to see the process of our legal system. Loved the whole day. 


Melissa said...

Dru loved the court day as well. I"m so glad you guys got to experience that.
It's great you get along with your sister so well.

Rita said...

We miss ya a ton! A good shout out is always appreciated on your blog or from the pulpit! Love ya!
