Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Called out....

I know i don't watch spelling on my blog, that is what makes me the sparkling success of a Jr. High English Teacher that I am (was if we're getting technical, i mean just taking a law school hiatus, then going right back to spreading my love of the English). Please everyone read the comments on my last post. I would never call someone out on their blog. But I wonder what you think? Is it alright to point out spelling mistakes? Hell, maybe you have all been holding out for someone to correct me. Just tell me your thoughts. I mean maybe we need a manual for blog manners, who knows? Maybe a blog manual wouldn't be needed if I used a dictionary. But I like saying 'damn' more than 'dam', i just don't like to be called out. Now back to my law studies. God Bless.


Jaime S. said...

i personally do not enjoy being called out. i have a friend that seems to call me out or say something slightly rude everytime she comments on my blog. i cringe when i see it's time to read one of her comments again. i guess she's opininated and that can be good. but why do her opinions got to call me out or make me feel bad ; )

Mary Postert said...

The fact is, either spelling totally works for that picture. It's a picture taken on a dam AND it's a damn good picture. Nobody should be calling anybody out.

AK said...

i think its good to be called out from time to time. keeps you grounded and normal. . . and its kinda funny to everyone else reading it!

Jaime S. said...

This is Brad...I don't get it? It's a picture of a damn.

J/K with a smile


{Erica} said...

here's what I think...I've been called out on spelling errors and grammar before on my blog and I frankly don't give a's my blog and I can write however I want, whatever I want, when ever I want...I just ignore and move on.

Having someone try and correct me reminds me of my grandmother :)

Starr Phippen said...

I think if someone comments on spelling it's because they don't want people to think you're an idiot when they know you're not. Plus, there is a spell check button so one should use it, it takes 5 seconds. By the way, you're in law school so get used to being "called out", that's your life now!

Jenny said...

I just assumed you were saying it was a "damn cool picture".

What's next? Calling people out on grammatical errors in texting?
