Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am missing my Rita, Sumo and Olivia. 
*I decided i have gained weight since quitting boxing (april) and eating so good in Alaska. So the before pics have been taken. Yeah not posting those. Sorry. 
*I went kayaking today with a school mate, he was a good teacher, and I did my first roll in a river. 
*I ate at my first Turkish food. I made lot's of friends from Turkey this summer, and as I was eating the spicy, garlic goodness, i thought of them. 
*I have started being really funny again. I might always be funny, but sometimes I am funnier than others. Something has changed and I am cracking myself up again. Thank Goodness. 
*People's relationships are on the fritz... and I am sort of glad I am not in a relationship right now (you read it correctly, I jodi am sort of OK with not having something going on in the loves department, it only took almost 31 years of life, a lot of books to read, and Idaho to get me here, we will see how long this feeling will last). 
*I went to the county fair up here, and saw some farm animals of different varieties. Interesting. 
*I saw the movie 'The Woman", YUCKERS.... i hated it with all my heart and soul. IT is painful to watch on so many levels, had poor acting, and was full of contradictory messages. 
*I am excited to donate plasma this week, let the 30 dollars per donation begin, returning to my roots I tell you. 
**Still Ok with not having a love interest right now... 

For Now. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We went to the fair too. It was a rip off but Masaru loved it.
I posted an egg question on my blog. Did you see it there? If not, see if you know eggs.
Good job on the roll in the river!! Wow.
So are we gonna work out together?
