Monday, September 21, 2009

the Love.

Thanks for the Love. I didnt' mean to come off whiny in the last post, well maybe that was my plan all along. Good news is my dad is doing great after his first Chemo treatment, which took 8 days in the hospital. He sort of set a new record for laps around the floor (the doctors told him moving around would be a good idea) so he took it to a new level, that only my dad could do. Which means walking around the hospital as many times as he could, many times a day. This makes me laugh because I can just see him walking around that hospital so many times, saying "hello" or "good morning" to everyone he saw. I love the energy, the friendliness, the spirit of my Pops.

I was sleepy after getting back into town this evening. Every part of me was saying, "go to sleep little are almost 32 so you can do whatever you want". But I had an outline due for McNicol's (an in school brief writing competition, worth 2 credits) at 10 am. So alas here I am at the law school, plugging away (well taking a break to blog)...but if my Pops can wear out the carpet in the hospital from power walking all about, I can pull an all-nighter and just get this thing done...

thanks for the inspiration Pops.

thanks for the love blog readers (friends and family). I needed you.


Diane... said...

you are his daughter and you are both AMAZING!! You inspire me Jod!!!!!! but get some sleep!

Auburn said...

that is great about your dad!

Rita said...

I am with mom. Take a nap today. Of course dad is doing laps around the hospital. Would you expect any different? Even when he is going through treatments. I love that about him too. Where is the girls weekend post and pics?
