Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In Financial Troubles....and life troubles.

I forgot to fill out my fasfa, I have no more money for a few more weeks. This is the worst financial trouble I've been in for awhile. I also have alot of other stresses (much like everyone else) and i am trying to keep it all together. It's not easy. I do appreciate those who have been helping me try to keep it together. To top it all off I turn 32 this month. I didn't think I would still have so much to figure out and accomplish at 32, i foolishly thought that i would have most "life experiences" checked off the list by now, and at the very least would have found the man to share my life with...But life doesn't turn out like we thought (at least not this life). But I have learned that, "no man is an island" and I am still grateful for the love and support I am feeling from all those around me.


Nancy Pitney said...

Bummer! Hang in there Jodi--I"m sure it'll all work out!

Melissa said...

Come and have lunch and dinner with me everyday.
You pay taxes and we've got food stamps.
Good combination.

Team Caldwell said...

put on those big girl panties. you are related to cousin. that means you can do anything!

Rita said...

You have tons of life experiences Jodi and you are very loved that is for sure!!!

Dyan said...

I love you. Hang in there and remember it's not your time frame but someone else's. Just what you want to hear right?

Jen said...

We are still waiting on our loans. It is no fun! Ramon noodles! I hope you get through it okay. By the way, I love reading about your life.

M said...

HAng in their Jodi! You are in my prayers
