Monday, June 15, 2009

Two jobs.

I have 2 jobs this summer, besides redeem myself and gpa by doing well in summer school. My two jobs are working out (hence flexing my guns) and donating plasma (hence the bandage around my arm). Today these two jobs were conflicted. I had worked out for a few hours and then had a quick lunch...then headed over to the plasma center. Everything was going good until my pulse was one point too high. I had to wait 15 minutes, where i practiced slow, calm breathing. It worked and I donated.

Isn't one mark of a healthy, in shape individual, if their pulse comes down quickly... I guess I gotta get more in shape so the conflict doesn't happen again (or I could just wait 2 hours next time). Either way I love my jobs and I am not giving them up.

Have fun at your summer jobs, whatever they may be.
*after looking at these pictures I think I need another job, getting tan.


Team Caldwell said...

No more plasma! I still have my scars. you needs to give that up! Also- please tell me those photos were at home on the comp camera and not by some plasma worker!! You are funny (do they still pay in 2 dollar bills?!)

Jodiane said...

those were in the law school...i do have pics that workers took, but those were in the 90's. This is a whole new decade of plasma donations...but yes the scars live on...i still have them too.

Diane... said...

speaking of SCARS....they make us who we are so wear them with pride (well, you know what I mean...HONORABLY!!)'s good to love your jobs, remember I use to tell you that school was your job....that still applies :)
