Wednesday, January 20, 2010

90 Days.

I was chatting with Maren, my good Law friend on Facebook, she told me she was going to find love in 90 days, because of the book, "Love in 90 DAys" within 3 minutes I had bought it. It came a week later. It talks about 13 destructive dating patterns. I will share a few examples of the patterns.

The Flame Out-
This is one of the most common and deadliest of the Dating Patterns. You meet a guy, there's lots of sparks, and he says all the right things! You think to yourself, "He's different, he's the ONE." You are highter than a 747. You jump into the [makeout] and have mind-blowing, maybe even unprotected [making out]. He says he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, or at least that's how you are reading what he says. Some of the texts and [facebook messages] he sends you are amaing . You talk for hours and he understands you in away that no one else does. You spend one glorious week/weekend together and then kaput. Finito, Nada. You sit there alone, making excuses for why his text, e-mail never comes.

I'll Make You Love Me
You're turned on by the challenge of changing and winning over a guy who has "potential." When you meet a guy you like, you immediately work overtime to get him: hoppping right into [making out], making exotic dinners, buying him things. You're not youreself when you are with him. You are too busy trying to be the inage of what you think he wanbts in a woman. You are his love slave, chef, massage therapist, and savior. All you want, consciously at least, is for him to stay and never leave you. What you get is a phone that never rings. Inronically, your overgiving may even propel him into the arms of another woman. When you finally get the news thorught the grapeving, you're completely baffled at how he could not have been into you.

Not Perfect-I'll Pass
Your best friend talks you into signing up for online dating. You interact with a number of men and quickly back out of seeing them because of various defects that each one has: this guy is too cynial that one has bad teeth, the other anxiously spilled his veggie green shake on his thrift store pants. The reality is you dont' even give them a chance to emerge and be who they are. No one is good enough.

Hmmm...of the 13 Destructive dating patterns, these are the three that resonated the most with me, and how i look at men. Now I haven't found love in 90 days, infact i skipped to this chapter, chapter two. And haven't read anything else. So i am not sure how to overcome these destructive dating patterns.

This post was just to let everyone I am not giving up, I am reading self-help and have renewed LDS Planet. Oh yeah, and I think Grandpa Goodman is still praying for me as i continue to journey on this ever so leanghty seach for love.


Melissa said...

Go Grandpa.
Great post.

Jaime S. said...

good luck. it's rough out there

theroyalscribe said...

Thanks for the SHOUT OUT! Woooo!!!! Keep reading, keep reading. We have A TON of "Love in 90 Days" homework to do!

Nancy Pitney said...

I love the incessant "making out" you've been doing! I hope the author tells you how to overcome the bad habits, or that book is a waste of time! :-) Good luck with your searching! P.S. A single girl in my ward made a new year's resolution to get married in 2009. I don't think it happened--hope you're not doing the same thing! :-)

display name said...

In the spirit of self-help I recommend a book called "Eat, Pray, Love." If you haven't read it already check it out. It's about a woman dealing with emotional pain. There's a lot to learn and it's funny too, especially the Bali section.
