Thursday, July 2, 2009

Road Trip....with a sassy little lady.

Livy giving Willy some loves
Reunited after an almost 4 month absence. I missed you baby girl.
Olivia and her scrunchy, sassy face
beautiful baby just chillaxing in the car seat (just once or twice she wasn't so chillaxed, but she was a trooper for sure and did so good as this was her first "big roadtrip" she's gonna love college roadtrips i can already tell).
Rita, Willy and I, the "Y" is behind us...but we didn't think it necessary to document it (mom didn't put it in the pic, I wouldn't have either mom, no worries)

My mom, Rita, Olivia, my aunt Marie, cousins Tonya and Mandy came up to Salt Lake for the annual girls trip. I drove to Spokane then flew to SLC. How sweet it was to see little Olivia rocking out in her car seat. She is my favorite (besides the still unmet baby Gibson, but he is tied with Olivia for favorite). WE did fun things, and ate a lot, shopped a lot, visited alot and laughed alot. We also got to hang out with Willy, my little brother in all his Prove/BYU Glory. Thanks mom and dad for the fun trip.


Diane... said...

You guys made it fun so THANKS to you too....see you soon!

Tsanders said...

it was so fun to see you Jodi, you always make me laugh!

Rita said...

Olivia spent a lot of time in that car seat! You kept her very well entertained though. I am liking your new place and craigslist finds and gifts. Good job.

Jenny said...

I'm in AZ. If you come down this summer lets get together.
