Saturday, February 7, 2009

UPDATE (G rated)

So I am not going to swear on my blog ever again. Well i think i might say, one time a month...if i really need to. My aunt and i just talked on facebook chat, and she said "it made me seem less classy." You all know the aim of my life (besides the elephant in the room) is to be classy. So if it takes not swearing, than so be it. That is going to apply to my word choice in real speech as well.

I started swearing in 5th grade, when i moved schools to Ishikowa Elementary. I sort of made friends with the wrong crowd. They were wild. They swore. They talked about sex, i think.....(or maybe they just knew the slang names for private parts) In any event they were bad, bad kids. And I had to be cool, i had to fit in. So I started swearing too (and maybe calling private parts by their slang names).

Basically since 5th grade, I have loved swearing (i think i am over using slang for privates) and don't find anything wrong or offensive about it, if it is used in moderation and for emphasis. But, alas if it is getting in the way of my classiness, even in one persons perpective, it has to be abolished....As i am writing this all i want to do is write and say swear words out loud. (Like the moment I started this weight loss challenge all i wanted to do was eat Salt and Vinegar chips and oreos and cheese burgers with bacon and blue cheese....and fry sauce for those awesome thick cut french fries) Shoot.

Speaking of Blog resolutions. I am going to try to spell better and care about punctuation.

In addition to those things, I purchased a new camera on Woot so it should be arriving soon. That means more pictures on the blog. It seems that I left my camera at my parents house over Thanksgiving, but it is nowhere to be found. These law school experiences (of loneliness and pain) need to be documented and shared.

Summary- Not going to swear, going to try to spell and punctuate and pictures are on the way.
(NOTE TO SELF: Being Classy is worth any sacrifice... no matter how tough)


Rita said...

Keep it clean...but I don't think a G rated blog from Jodi would be very interesting. Maybe keep it somewhere between PG and a PG-13 level! Can't wait to see your new pics of your life in Idaho!

Jaime S. said...

I am looking forward to no swear words on your blog. Your blog is like a good movie that can be ruined with a few useless swear words.

Melissa said...

Well I guess I'll never be called 'classy', since swearing in this country is normal in mine!
I'll be sad to see the swearing go.
Some movies wouldn't be as good without that swear word in just the right place.
I know, I know, I'm going to hell.

Auburn said...

Yeah! I'm going to second the perfectly punctuated comment from Jaime S.
