Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Success at the Gyno and I got a wart off my hand removed.

i am 33. i am in a college town. I have about 1000 friends on facebook. I think 118 wished me happy birthday. I had a goal of 100. If you know me well, that wouldnt surprise you. I am all about the benchmarks and numbers and percentages. That is another post.

Today I went for my yearly pap. Everything is normal. She said I have a very healthy cervix. Still don't know what a cervix is, but i think it is analogous to the back of the throat. When you open your mouth real big, you see the back on the throat... when you open your .... well you get the idea, you get to see the cervix.

I am proud of my healthy cervix. i guess sometimes you gotta be proud of the little things.

Today I was updating my facebook status. I wanted to say, "Success at the Gyno plus I got a wart on my hand removed". But I don't know if that would go well with my 1000 friends. I have hand picked you individuals to read this i thought I would update all of you on my Success. I hope you at least smiled by my post.

Here is the question, what would you update your status to if only a handful of friends could read it. I mean no one ever says, "Great Sex last night" or "getting too big for my size 14's time to upgrade" or "Been 3 days till I showered, and 24 hours since I brushed my teeth, gotta get better hygeine".

Am i the only one who thinks about this stuff. Hope not.


Melissa said...

Yeah man
If I just had my 'mates' reading, like good mates, I'd totally say almost anything.....honest, I would.
Happy cervix day Jodz.

Nancy Pitney said...

Jodi you seriously crack me up. I was laughing out loud! Don't worry, I didn't know what my cervix was until I got pregnant. There are so many parts of our bodies that we don't know or understand until we have to. As far as being honest in our posts...let's see...I think I would tend to be more negative. Like "my husband is a freaking idiot sometimes...Really? You can't feed the kid dinner by yourself?" I try not to be too positive all the time because I hate the people who act like they have a perfect life, but there is a balance with the negativity too. I don't like it when all people post is how tired they are or how bad their lives suck. I enjoy your posts when I see them!

Sommer said...

LOVE it- Jodi-Pop! This post made me laugh out loud.

Kelli Brown said...

Oh, Jodi, you make me laugh so hard. I love your candor and honesty and humor all packaged up together. You rock!

Diane... said...

just GLAD THERE WERE NO PICTURES....thanks for that Jod!!!!!

Jill said...

I like you JO JO. You're funny.

Marie Nelson said...

Hi Jodi, I haven't checked your blog for a while and am so happy to hear that all is well with your cervix and that the wart is gone off the hand!! No one blogs like you do!!! I love it and I love you!!
