Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was living in downtown Mesa, in the historic district. My room was the basement. It was rad. I had a wood burning stove, that didn't actually work, but i decorated it with candles and plants. I had my home made hippie beads strung up in the doorway. I had a couch and my bed and a closet full of thrift store goodenss, it was the raddest room i had ever had, in the most perfect house. I would walk to the library, walk to Milanno's Music, ride my bike to Pete's Fish and Chips in other words, I was happy.

And then after 4 months of bliss it happened.

The normal roomates moved out, and the girl with all the unicorn/fantasy decorations moved in. There they were in the common area. A unicorn statute, multiple unicorn mirrors, a unicorn music box, some sort of magician poster, and many other decorations along these lines.

I was mortified, my perfect existence had turned into fantasy land. This women was in her mid-thirties. Here she was invading the common areas with all this maddness.

I immediately decided I would move out of this hell hole.

I like to think back on all the places I have lived, on all the people I have shared common areas with. As of late I have decided to be a lone wolf, and to live alone. I think I have earned it. I have learned what I needed to learn by sharing apartments, houses, etc. with the single Mormon Women of the West. I am done with the sharing.

I found a one-bedroom in Boise's Northend. So glad I won't be calling the institute, getting names of available housing, and going through the whole room mate thing again. I am a grownup. And I can't chance an infusion of unicorns...I just can't.


Starr Phippen said...

You forgot to mention the hoard of stuffed animals haunting the front room with all their beady eyes staring at you. Yikes!

Rita said...


I remember that place but I don't think I ever saw the unicorns in action.

Yikes is right.

Nancy Pitney said...

You go girl!

Osita said...

I had a roomate who loved winnie the poo and even though she had a shelf butt she would still wear onsie footie pajamas like she was 2. A one piece flanel bodysuit is not flattering I tell you. I could hardly be in the same room as her, I can see not wanting to have roomates...

Karrie said...

What's wrong with unicorns? They're magical. Just kidding. Enjoy the new pad. I love your blog, you make me laugh every time I read it. Love ya.

Kelli Brown said...

Oh, Jodi...your blog always makes me laugh. Thanks for the uplift today.
