this is hot, stylie, steal the show Rita. Who is cuter than big, loooooser, non-cute, no fashion sense, missed the boat on marriage, old jodi. (maybe it was the green flower earrings that were the kiss of death or that big glittery 30 on the top of my head...maybe it is time i stop rocking that, and then all my mormon dreams will come true??)
1. i didn't get kicked off LDS Planet yet... When the kid told me he was turning me in, i decided to send them a message as well. It said, "hey i know i swore 1x but please recognize that he was completely inappropriate as well, so if i get kicked off, you better kick him off too." I guess law school has taught me about justice.
2. My best friend up here has a subscription to LDS Planet as well. We pulled up his photos to look at him, he is the worst dresser, even was wearing Lucky Charms scrubs, and we looked at my pictures and I am stylie. So I felt better about that.
3. Best friend, who is a scriptorian, sent him a bunch of scriptures about marriage and divorce and how Jesus said, "tis better to be unmarried than to ever divorce..." or something like that. He really railed into him by using the scriptures. He won't share with me what he said, and because my best friend is a feminist, he is actually a little embarrassed that he had to protect my honor, by sending a scriptural bomb...but I love it.
4. My other best friend accidently sent the email i sent him with "the dialogue" to all these random people at the law school...which is just funny, because people are coming up and saying i am a really nice person, and dress cute.
5. it was the funniest thing that has happened on the planet for awhile. Now I just gotta study for 5 weeks and then i will be free.
Much love...thanks for the comments and responses. You guys are the best private blog readers.
That is the picture all this was about? You look super HOT and beautiful! Can I say that while we are both super fantastic you are looking so much hotter! The green flower earrings have to stay! I don't know what that weirdo lucky charms scrub wearer was talking about. Maybe he prefers blondes with brown roots?
I agree, you look really good in that picture.
I don't know what his deal is man.
You're a babe.
I'm with Rita and Melissa. You look great. And no offense Rita, but I think Jodi looks better than you! (Her smile just looks more natural). You're both super hot and you'll find someone that will recognize that, just like Rita did!
I love those earrings!
That boy is killing me.
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