About 3 months ago, i met Ron, he was attractive, and quickly he let me know he was married... Ron was the DJ at the law school opening social. I made small talk, like i do with all DJ's I meet, basically i wanted to find out about the market here, if he ever couldn't do a job, if he would send it my way, etc. Ron and I exchanged info. and sure enough a few weeks ago it finally paid off. Ron had referred me to a Elementary PTO, for the family fun night.
There was only ONE problem (so I thought), I didn't have lighting and a disco ball, they wanted those. So Ron, being super cool, let me borrow his. After trying to arrange a time, and having the school PTO president and I, exchange about 15 emails pressuring me to get the lighting, it was secured.
Then, a few nights before the dance I was setting up my equipment, and realized that i was missing an amplifier, a 900 dollar, 50 pound amplifier. I was screwed. I am in the middle of nowhere Idaho. I had promised to do this job on the cheap, renting would be expensive, if even possible. I sent an email to the PTO pres. explaining the senario, that I would try to secure a new amp. but it might be a impossible. A few hours later, after emailing Ron (the light and refrence man) Ron responded saying he had an amp I could use. Thanks to him, i could email the PTO and not be so stressed.
Flash to Tonight, today at 4 i showed up to the school, set up all my equipment, everything was going great. Except the amp. I got was making a buzzing noise, and the cooling fan in the amp. wasn't spinning. Needless to say, the amp. heated up, the music stopped. I called Ron, thank goodness he answered and told me what to do. The amp. cooled down, it worked for 2 more songs then shut off. At this point imagine my position. I have PTO woman coming up, asking me what is wrong, I have a PTO pres. come with an ipod and a doc. to play a bit of music. Ron is called again. He shows up with another amp. IT doesn't work. He has brought some power speakers, basically they don't need an amp.... they work.
For the first 30 minutes, we had music. For the next 35 Ipod and a bit of mine when the amp. would cool. 1 hour and 55 minutes, power speaker... All i had was 2 CD's of music, my friend Kellle (a fifth grade teacher, who is a friend of mine, and was so great to send me this music). My computer wouldn't work, so I had to just work with the music on these CDs and guess what the kids loved the music.
My best friend Pleasy showed up, and was super supportive, she is always so positive and full of good ideas. So she was like, go out and dance with the kids, so I taught them the electric slide. I made up competitions, like "for this dance, all you can do is move your arms and head" or when I played a happy feat song, "dance liek a penguin".It was hillarious.
The PTO said, all the parents were really happy because the kids had so much fun, being silly...it was a good time, and turned out awesome. They even said that they wanted me to do some other upcoming events in the Spring. It really could have been sooo much worse.
So thanks Ron, thanks Pleasy, thanks Sunny Side Elementary, and thanks PTO for your forgiveness and understanding.
and that is how it all went down.