Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Good Choices/Bad Choices.....lead to good result or bad result.

It was Thanksgiving break. I was flying home to AZ like I always do, whenever there is a break. On the first leg of the flight i sat by an interesting 15 year old, who i instantly liked. We talked about religion, misscariages (his mom had miscarried his sister when she was 6 months along) and saving sex for later (not marriage for him, he didn't want to get married, but just later) and not endulging in drugs or alcohol.

On the second leg of the flight from Portland to Phoenix, I sat my a man in his late 40's, who after a bit of pleasantries, I found out is a decision maker guru. In other words he goes around and teaches people (mostly high paid executives for corporations) how to make decisions, he basically gives one tools on how to make decisions.

We used the ever elusive decision of what type of law I want to practice, as the "example/proto-type" decision. He gave me many tools to use...which i am not going to talk about here. What I am going to talk about is the choice and the result connection. You see, my whole life I feel like I have been hitting a big brick wall. You see I was taught by my parents, by my church, basically by everything I ever believed in, if you make a good choice, you will get a good result (let's be honest I am talking about making my mormon dreams come true). However, he spoke of a concept that I had never had articulated either by someone else, or in my own mind. He said, "sometiems a good choice doesn't lead to a good result, and sometimes a bad choice will lead to a good result...but if you play the law of averages, the more good choices you make, the more good results you will reap, and the more bad choices you make, the more bad results you will reap.

Ok, so why am i talking about good and bad choices...well besides the obvious, that I am still trying to draw people to my life who will help me get to where I want to go. Recently, i applied to a Spring Break Exchange to South Korea. I jumped through all the hoops, wrote a little essay, sent in copies of my passport, had a professor write a letter of recomendation, etc. I was really excited for this program. I mean who doesn't want to go somewhere rad, for 10 days over spring break, for free. However, I just found out I didn't get accepted (i guess I am not the only one who wants to go somewhere rad, for 10 days, for free, over spring break). However, if I believe my traveleing companion...if i keep making good choices (applying for scholarship programs i think is a good choice), eventually I will get a good result, it's just the law of averages. So I guess, I am glad I made the choice to try to go on a little adventure, I guess i shouldn't count it as a total wash, becuase hopefully the next time I make a good will reap a good result. Oh yeah, and now I will probably go home for Spring Break, and thats gonna be good.


Rita said...

So good if you come home or stay there. It all works out. Thanks for the thoughts. Now what did that guru tell you? Just curious.

Diane... said...

your mom says "MAKE GOOD CHOICES"!

Marie Nelson said...

I love your positive attitude ...... well, I just love you, Jodi!

Jaime S. said...

"to be or not to choose"

you can quote me on that if you want ; )
