So I reward all my very patient blog readers with a picture of my backside chubs. But isn't this what new years resolutions are all about... being honest with yourself and I suppose others as well (but mostly with yourself). So here is a before picture that I hope will inspire me to have a better "after".
This past year, 2010 was really good. I finished my 2nd year of law school and started my third year of law school, with an externship with the Idaho Court of Appeals...very prestigious. I had a lot of good times with my Idaho friends and with my family when I come to visit. My niece Sophie was born. I dated a man in the Spring we broke up when I moved to Boise, and then when I got back to school I started seeing his best friend (who I had always had eyes for since the first time we met). Who I absolutely adored. However, a few months later he broke up with me and I have spent the holiday season trying to mend my broken heart and practice the art of "self-respect" by not calling him or texting (little victories, and a few defeats).
It always amazes me at how I always seem to get exactly what I want, but find it absolutely impossible to keep it.
A few weeks after the breakup a friend called me as I was about to order about 8 books from Amazon...books titled things like, "How to be a Dreamgirl and not a Doormat", "Be the One, not the One Left Behind", "He's Not that Into You, But Honestly Your Not That Into Him Either"...etc. My friend, a fellow law student gave me 2 gems of advice that night. She said "First, you are a poor law student, you don't have money to buy that crap off Amazon, if you really want those books go to the library" She also said, "But I don't think you need those books, you need a hobby and Jodi, Facebook is not a hobby".
So No, my new years Resolution is not giving up Facebook (i love it too much), but it is about getting some hobbies, something to keep me interesting and excited about living, when my heart gets broke and I feel like I want to die.
So the hobbies, are gonna be run fast (train at the track and hopefully start winning some races like I did in my younger years), Learn Spanish again (I spoke it on my mission and need it back to help my job prospects--if I am bilingual I think I could get a job as a public defender) and play the guitar, I am committing at least 5 hours a week to practicing chords and hopefully learning some basic songs).
Hopefully 2011 will be a great year, with graduating in May, taking the Bar in July and hearing I pass the bar in September. Also, I hope to make new friends, enjoy my new hobbies, have some adventures and fall in love...Maybe.